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Business Management and Project Management Services

Zyirn is one of the leading consultancy services company for outsourcing contract R&D and regulatory testing services from the expensive western markets like USA, Canada and Europe to the low cost, high quality Asian CROs. This gives USA, Canada and European drug discovery labs, pharmaceuticals, agrochemical, biotech and medical device companies very good cost saving option for their projects and also to reduce their project timelines as the turnaround time of most of the Asian CROs is very low as compared to busy Western and European CROs.

We have a time-tested system, wherein the CROs we collaborate with, allow our sponsors/clients to have physical visit to their facilities and offices and validate the facilities are indeed GLP complaint, adhering to all animal welfare measures as mandated by CPCSEA and AAALAC International or to any other international animal welfare and quality standards like ISO.

Due to time and cost limitations, it may not be always possible for the client or the Sponsor representative to visit the facility across the international borders. On behalf of our clients and sponsors, we audit the facilities or CROs to assess their compliance with GLP, GXP, ISO and animal welfare measures as per recommendations of their countries Animal Welfare Authorities / requirements.

We do not limit ourselves with facility audits only but hand hold the sponsor /clients in identifying the best suited, cost effective CROs /lab, identifying the studies required to be submitted to the authorities as per sponsor needs, placing the studies with the CROs and monitoring the whole project from beginning till the end. The critical aspects of the monitoring of such projects are reviewing the study plans or protocols, reviewing the raw data and progress of the project from time to time and reviewing of the draft reports before finalization, so that the project timelines are adhered with and also the report generated are of good quality and integrity with respect to the data so that the sponsor and regulatory authorities can accept the data.

We do understand that such projects are often long-term engagements and can go on for months and even years depending on the project size and the duration of studies and thus involve significant investment on part of the sponsor/client, we always prefer to get into service agreements and confidentiality agreements with sponsor as well as CROs to safeguard scientific discoveries /inventions /intellectual properties of the clients.

On the longer-term projects, our clients can complete their projects / studies with a significant discount (cost saving) than what a similar project would require if it were to be conducted in the Western laboratories.

Thus, we offer a great win-win-win situation for all the parties. The Clients get the project completed with quality and integrity well within the project timelines in a cost-effective efficient manner, the CROs get the consistent / repeat business from the satisfied clients and we get our pay-for-service charges and also the satisfaction of helping both the parties in achieving their goals and targets.

We offer following services:

  • Business Development and marketing for the CROs/ labs /drug discovery partners / biotech and medical device testing labs, etc.
  • Project review and project monitoring services
  • Study placement and monitoring on behalf of clients /sponsor
  • Review of study plans and study reports
  • Marketing of specialized products

For more information, connect with us.