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Pharmacology Services

Home Pharmacology Services

Pharmacology Services

Demonstrating the invivo efficacy of novel drug therapeutics is pivotal for drug discovery programmes.

At Zyirn, we provide expert consulting services in pharmacology and disease models in order to help our clients in their drug development strategy. Our services help reduce time and cost, ensuring successful validation and testing of new therapeutic targets.

Our invivo pharmacology experts specialise in 5 key therapeutic areas:

  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Oncology
  • Inflammation and Infectious Diseases
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • CNS Disorders

Our consultants have diverse and rich expertise with sound experience in developing and establishing animal disease models for metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, inflammation, oncology, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, and CNS disorders.

For every therapeutic area, we provide expert insight on validation, testing and analysis in invivo and ex-vivo screening.

Our broad range of services include:

  • Design invivo studies
  • Develop and establish disease models
  • Manage and monitor invivo and ex-vivo studies
  • Non-invasive preclinical imaging services
  • Review data and generate reports
  • Safety monitoring and quality assurance of new drug molecules according to regulatory standards and procedures
  • Liaising with regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with local, national, and international regulations
  • Scientific writing including study protocols, reports, and research papers

Get in touch with us for more information.